Dear Members,
In our continuous efforts to ensure clarity and alignment within our club, we are announcing a crucial update to our constitution document. To enhance its effectiveness and relevance to our club’s mission, we will be adding specific details: names, financial year date, and the purpose of our club. This will be addressed at our upcoming AGM as a special resolution.
Name: Croydon Ranges Hockey Club
Financial Year End: 30th October
Purpose: The purpose for which Croydon Ranges Hockey Club is established and maintained are to conduct, promote, encourage and advance hockey including for the benefit of the Members. These purposes include but are not limited to:
(a) Participate as a member of Hockey Victoria through and by which Hockey can be conducted, encouraged, promoted, advanced and administered;
(b) Ensure the maintenance and enhancement of the Club and Hockey, including for the benefit and access to hockey for the residents of the Outer East region;
© Develop a vibrant, enjoyable and inclusive Club that celebrates contributions and successes at all levels, both on and off the hockey field;
© Formulate or adopt and implement appropriate policies, including in relation to inclusiveness and integrity, safety, junior and senior programs and such other matters as arise from time to time as issues to be addressed in Hockey;
(d) Promote the health and safety of Members;
(e) Encourage and promote performance-enhancing drug free competition;
(f) Promote an inclusive ethos, aiming to unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering understanding, empathy, and unity within our community;
(g) Facilitate community-wide involvement in sports, regardless of financial constraints, age, skills, backgrounds or physical abilities;
(h) Seek and obtain improved Hockey facilities for the Club; and
(i) Undertake and or do all such things or activities which are necessary, incidental or conducive to the advancement of these objects.
Additionally, we would like to form a dedicated sub-committee to review the current model rules constitution in 2024. This sub-committee will be entrusted with the vital task of editing the Model Rules Constitution to tailor it specifically to embody our club’s unique needs, objectives and vision. This step aims to solidify our foundation and better reflect our collective goals and values. We believe that by including these essential details, our constitution will serve as a more accurate guide for our club’s operations and ambitions.
We encourage all interested members to participate in this pivotal process. Your insights, ideas, and contributions will be invaluable in shaping the future of our club. Together, we can create a constitution that truly represents us and guides us toward our collective aspirations. Stay tuned for further details on how you can get involved and contribute to this significant undertaking.
Your participation in our upcoming meeting is crucial as we aim to incorporate the above essential additions into our club’s constitution. Your vote matters, and achieving a 75% consensus is necessary for these changes. Whether attending in person or online, your presence is highly valued. Please prioritise this day to ensure your voice is heard in deciding both our future leadership and the critical Special Resolution.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our club’s growth and success and we look forward to hearing from you at our AGM on the 15th December at 7pm.
For the location address or zoom link, please refer to your email dated 28th November 9:50am. If you haven’t received the email, please contact us at regards,
Karina Cove
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